The Ocean, My Saviour.

“The Gap”, Sydney. Australia.

Robin Cru’el
3 min readOct 14, 2018

“The Gap”, is the name given to an eerie ocean cliff; infamously known as the suicide spot.

Surrounded near this cliff are signs, reminders — to seek help.

I used to drive up the stop, on nights that I fell empty inside.

Looking at the ocean, standing where many before me would’ve stood — for reasons I cannot possibly understand, yet empathise for what was to come.

Looking past the gap, is an endless body of water; in the night it’s scary.

It growls at you, it feels like it has a life of its own.

Buried within are several memories of lost souls that it has devoured.

Fallen to their misery through the gap.

There was once an angel, who lived across from the gap.

He came to be known as “The Angel of the Gap, he was an elderly man; one of wisdom.

He saved countless lives in the middle of the night, as he kept watch of the gap from the view that his house provided.

The haunting view of this body of ocean, was his purpose to reach out and talk to these broken individuals; listen to their stories and invite them into his house.



Robin Cru’el

I failed to learn the piano, so I decided I’d play the keyboard instead. //All aboard the Crazytrain.